
On this day……

Baby…… On this day on Mummy’s birthday, I dreamt of you. You were not dead, but lost instead. Mummy tried searching for you, trying all ways and means searching for you. Then I saw you on a TV program, a program from Korea. I saw a large green field, you were there. Mummy got excited and ask Daddy :” This is Baby! This is Baby! Right?”

Baby…… Mummy quickly called the TV station, just when I started to speak to someone…… The alarm went off. Yes, time to wake up and you are never found.

Baby…… What does this mean? Mummy wish that I know……

Baby…… On this day on my birthday, Mummy wish that you are happy be wherever you are. Mummy wish health and happiness for the ladies, Enson Didi and Daddy……

Baby…… It’s Puppie’s birthday today. Yesterday we had a mini pawty at home. Mummy bought a strawberry strudel for her.

Baby…… It looks yummy, isn’t it?

Baby…… Presenting the Birthday Girl

Baby…… Not to forget Girby Girl who brought Puppie Pie into this world. Of course you Baby Boy did play a part as well.

Baby…… The ladies enjoy the yummy strudel. Well, they left the strawberries behind.

Baby…… Mummy wish they will be healthy and lead a happy life.

Baby…… You will watch over them, won’t you?






The 3rd Christmas without YOU

I don’t want alot for Christmas

There’s just one thing I need

I don’t care about presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own more than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is YOU

I don’t want alot for Christmas

There’s just one thing I need

I don’t care about presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don’t need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won’t make me happy with a toy on Christmas day

I just want you for my own more than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is YOU

Thank You My Baby Boy

Baby…… Girl went for her ultrasound scan today. Everything is fine. Mummy is so glad. You did watch over the ladies, didn’t you?

Baby…… Girl was bought upstairs to the ICU room for her shave before the scan. That was the same room where you passed away. Girl was on the table, the same table where Mummy last saw you two years ago. It bring back all the sad memories, Mummy’s heart sank so deeply. Mummy almost broke down while waiting for Girl outside. The way Girl looked at Mummy is the same as you. She is asking Mummy why she was left there? I hate this! The only difference this time round is I am able to bring Girl home. If only I can bring you home too two years ago……

Baby…… Did you see girl there? Thank you for watching over her. Mummy knew you won’t want to see me in agony. Girl next review will be in another two to three months time.

Thank you my Baby Boy.

We need you

Baby…… Mummy need you. Where are you? Girl is going for her ultrasound scan tomorrow. Won’t you come back to watch over the ladies? Mummy isn’t feeling too good. Mummy is worried……

Baby…… Mummy need you, so do the ladies. Please come back to us……

Dear Girl

Dear Girl
Pie’s bowl was not clear fast enough. You walked to her bowl, look at the unfinished food and look at me. I know what you want. I scrutinised the bowl to make sure not much meat were left over. I gave you a nod and you indugled on that miserable portion. The joy of watching you enjoying the little things in life. The little things that I shouldn’t deprived you of and yet I am supposed to do so. Mummy don’t know where to draw the line anymore……

Where have gone wrong?

Baby…… Girby went for her review today, her ALT is still high at 290. Dr Ly want Mummy to take out the cottage cheese and increase the Falkamin dosage. Next week Mummy need to bring her back to do an ultrasound on her liver.

Baby…… Where have gone wrong? Mummy is confused.

Baby…… 妈咪累了。

Baked Treat

Baby…… Mummy bought some reading materials on nutrition. Today Mummy baked some treats for compromised liver. Of course these treats are for Girby Girl. Mummy is feeling so guilty for not able to give her treats as freely as before. At least for now, Mummy can give her these treats without worrying so much.

Baby…… Girby Girl ate one, not looking too eager. Puppie Pie refused to eat. Baby…… QC Test pass or fail?